Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Marsha

Yesterday was my wife Marsha's birthday. I'm not allowed to tell how old she is, but she is 4 years younger than me, and I was born on 9/17/41. :D

They did a lot for her at work yesterday. Her friend Anita brought in this cake she made. Anita has been taking a cake decorating course. Looks to me like she probably came out at the top of the class.

When Marsha got to work yesterday they had decorated her cubicle.

(That picture on her desktop, by the way, is one I took by leaning over the side of the airplane I was riding in last month.)

There was more food, too.

We went out to dinner for her birthday. She chose the place to go, and picked K's Hamburgers, a fixture in our lovely little town of Troy, Ohio.

K's is reminiscent of the 1940's, and we go there, as does a large part of the population of Troy, quite often.

The staff at K's made Marsha a birthday hat to wear while she was eating.

Marsha was quite pleased with her day, particularly when one of her co-workers, Terry, showed up and sang happy birthday to her.

Happy Birthday, Marsha


  1. Thank you, dearest, for finding a way to tell the world how old I am. :-P

  2. Happy birthday Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! (I've always wanted to say that.)
    P.S. You ought to send a link to that cafe to Diners, Driveins and Dives. I bet he would love it!

  3. Debbie...we took your advice and sent them a link. Who knows? Thanks.

