Thursday, October 13, 2011

Eating Out

Night before last my wife Marsha and myself (Can you guess what I like to do beside eat? I admit this picture was photo shopped to get rid of the person I was jumping tandem with.) and our friends Pat and her husband Russell

went out to eat. We decided to try a new restaurant in town
Logan's Road House.

Logan's is a chain that as near as I can tell has 225 restaurants in 23 states. The one we went to here in Troy, Ohio, had just opened the day before we visited them. I have to admit that I was a bit leery of going so quickly after they opened since I have had bad experiences at places immediately after they opened.

I didn't have to worry though. The food was wonderful! Some of the menu items were a bit pricey, but not all of them.

All four of us enjoyed our meals tremendously. There was somewhat of a long wait for them because the place was jammed with customers but it was well worth the wait. I have a new favorite restaurant!

We were waited on by a lovely young lady named Catherine and she was ably assisted by her trainer Tim. I took pictures of them using my phone, but neglected to save them. I'm tech challenged sometime. I'm sorry Catherine and Tim.

Those of you that live in or near Troy should try the new Logan's Road House. It is right next to Ruby Tuesday's, which I'm afraid is going to take a serious hit from them.

I highly recommend Logan's.