Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Computer Travails

Had a terrible time last night with the HP warranty people re: my computer. I recently bought an expensive new 18" laptop and one of the USB ports does not work. Over an hour on the phone with someone in India who had an accent thick enough to cut, and only a basic understanding of English. Kept wanting me to do idiotic stuff so she could see if my computer really does have problems. All this had been settled with a Tech Rep day before yesterday. I was supposed to call back and get a box sent to me to ship the computer to HP in. My service # had all the information that they needed, but they wanted me to jump through their hoops all over again. After trying very hard to make myself understood for an hour, I finally told them I was wasting time trying to talk with them. They kept right on babbling nonsensical things to me. Finally, I yelled at them and hung the phone up. Marsha, who is very even tempered, told me she was proud of me...that I had been patient longer than she would have been. She really made me feel like perhaps I wasn't too wrong in finally losing my temper at them.

The person I had been trying to talk with called me back. I still couldn't make heads nor tails of what they were trying to say, so I asked Marsha to listen to them and try to interpret for me. They had decided that someone else had to call me from HP concerning my problem. We explained to them that I could not wait for a call because I had to go to the hospital to spend the night for some tests. The woman I was talking to said the hardware supervisor would call me back in 10 minutes. After 45 minutes, I left for the hospital. Late for my appt. The hardware supervisor still has not called.

Today, I called HP back, and got someone with a good grasp of English and got the problem resolved in just a few minutes.

I've bought quite a few HP computers in the past several years, and this is the first one I have ever had a problem with. I have recommended them to my friends and assisted them in getting HP computers themselves. Outsourcing the warranty work to places like India and the Phillipines, and using people that have a poor grasp of English leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I may return to my old way of buying the parts and building my own computers.

I'm told I will have the box to ship the computer to HP within a couple of days, and should have the computer back in 7-9 days after that. I'll keep you informed.

Now I am going to have to share a computer with Marsha, unless I go buy myself a cheap one to use. We'll see how that goes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Way To Go, Utah!

This morning Utah's firing squad executed Ronnie Lee Gardner.

Gardner had been on Utah's death row for 25 years manipulating the system and trying to escape his fate. He was sentenced to die in 1985 for a botched escape attempt on April 2, 1985, during which Gardner shot and killed Michael Burdell, a defense attorney, and injured court bailiff George "Nick" Kirk. Gardner, in court on charges stemming from the 1984 robbery and shooting death of Melvyn John Otterstrom, used a gun that had been smuggled into the old Salt Lake County Courthouse by his girlfriend.

Melvyn John Otterstrom's and Michael Burdell's family are still suffering because of Gardner's cruelty and viciousness, and George Kirk says he has not been without pain from his wounds in the 25 years since Gardner shot him.

Members of Gardner's family — some of whom left the courtroom in tears at the last hearing to get his sentence changed — are victims as well, and I'm sorry for them, but my greatest sympathy goes out to his victims.

Gardner had no redeeming features. There is no reason he should be alive.

I believe the system worked. Too slowly, but it worked.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Touchdown Jesus

A six-story statue of Jesus Christ near my home town was struck by lightning and burned to the ground a couple of days ago, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers on Tuesday.

Already there are numerous theories going around: "The Devil did it." "God was displeased at the image."

Personally, I think Elvis did it!

Regardless....the church is going to spend over $700,000.00 to replace it. I guess it's their business, but I can think of a hell of a lot of places where that money would do more good than in a plastic statue.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An Amazing Young Lady

March 15) -- The Atlantic Ocean is no match for Katie Spotz.

The 22-year-old woman became the youngest person to make the trip across the Atlantic alone in a rowboat. After 70 days at sea, hundreds of well-wishers welcomed Spotz into the port of Georgetown, Guyana Sunday as she completed her 2,817 mile journey from Dakar, Senegal.

"The hardest part was just the solo part," Spotz told The Associated Press.

For over two months, she rowed alone amid high waves, beating sun, and very little fresh food. But for the Mentor, Ohio native, "endurance challenges" are a way of life. In 2008, Spotz became the first person to swim the entire length of the 325-mile Allegheny River. She has also biked across the country and ran 150 miles across the Mojave and Colorado deserts alone.
Katie Spotz, 22, of Mentor, Ohio, arrives in Georgetown, Guyana, on Sunday. She began her Atlantic crossing on Jan. 3 in Senegal.

Spotz's trans-Atlantic row raised over $70,000 for the Blue Planet Run Foundation, which works to provide safe drinking water around the world.

Her coach, Sam Williams, said Spotz was more interested helping the foundation's cause than she was in breaking records.

"The records are just a bonus for Katie. Rowing the Atlantic and raising funds for clean water are the things she really cares about," Williams told the AP.

But there's a reason so few rowers dare to make the trip across the Atlantic. According to The New York Times, Spotz rowed between 8 and 10 hours a day, and said rough waves made it difficult to sleep. "Sleeping was a real problem," Spotz told The Times. "It took a toll to put out that much physical effort on very little rest."

About a week ago, Spotz had nearly made landfall when she encountered such rough seas that she was forced to row 400 miles to the northeast of her original destination of Cayenne, French Guiana, to Georgetown.

On the second-to-last day of the trip, her GPS tracker caught on fire. At one point, she encountered 20-foot waves. "I was worried the boat might capsize," she said. Spotz ate freeze-dried meals, munched on small plants she grew on board, and, according to the AP, dug into a watermelon as soon as she hit the shore in Guyana.

An absolutely astounding young lady!

Monday, February 15, 2010

George (No Show) Jones

Listening to an old George Jones CD....Often known as "No Show Jones" because of his habit of getting drunk and not showing up for his shows, George has had some tough times in his life. Many, like my own tough times, brought on by himself. Still...even though I am not really a country music fan....in my opinion he is one of the best singers to ever come down the pike.

Below is one of my favorite songs of all time. if any of my friends...and you know who you are.... want a copy of the CD, let me know. I will make you one and send it to you. I will send it to Texas, Utah, PA, VA, or Ohio. Those of you in TX will have to send me your address, of course. I promise to not stalk you. :)

"Imagine a world where no music was playing
And think of a church with nobody praying
Have you ever looked up at a sky with no blue?
Then you've seen a picture of me without you

Have you walked in a garden where nothing was growing
Or stood by a river where nothing was flowing
If you've seen a red rose unkissed by the dew
Then you've seen a picture of me without you

Can you picture heaven with no angels singing
Or a quite Sunday morning with no church bells ringing
If you've watched as the heart of a child breaks in two
Then you've seen a picture of me without you."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Hate Snow!!

I hope this is the last significant snow we get this year. I hope the next snow falls on a certain horse farm in Texas. (snicker)

Below are a few pictures taken just a few minutes ago from my front door. More snow is expected today. Grrrrrrrrrr

Here are a couple of pictures of our neighbor, Brian, on his snow plow. He keeps it clear for us when the snow gets too deep. He and his son, Ryan, cleared the driveway and even cleaned the snow off the car and truck for us. Great neighbors! Thanks, guys!

Friday, January 29, 2010

The First Annual, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly, (Dependent Upon Participant's Interest) Geriatric Poker Game

Today, as you can see below, several of us gathered together our oxygen tanks, inhalers, and nebulizers and met at Pat and Russell's for a poker game.

Next, here are Russell, yours truly, Ellie, and Jackie intent on our cards as Ellie deals. You have to kinda keep your eye on Ellie, as she's somewhat of a hustler, or least she used to be, back in the good old days. (grin)

Scott, as you can see below, is quite interested in what Jackie is doing with her cards. Of course, Scott is quite interested in Jackie regardless of what she's doing.

Looks like Scott is biting his nails, doesn't it? He was the big winner, though. He must have won 5 or 6 dollars. Real high-rollers, aren't we?

I'm trying to convince everyone that I have no idea where that ace came from. They weren't going for it, though.

We had an enjoyable time. We enjoyed each other's fellowship, and had good sandwiches and drinks. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon when the temperature is in the teens.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My life is so freaking boring the past few years that it's difficult for me to find things to write about.

Lately, the only thing noteworthy that has happened to me is the great meal I had last night.

My friends Pat and Russell invited Marsha and me over for steaks.

Russell cooked some rib-eyes on the grill. We are all from the South, except Marsha, but we forgive her, and we like our steaks grilled. As you can see, a little bit of snow is not going to stop us from cooking out.

Years ago, my children used to really love for me to get the trusty old charcoal grill out and cook steaks. I always thought I did a pretty good job on them, but Russell does wonderfully. He's a great cook, as you can see by the picture below:

Next...here are Marsha, Pat, and Russell getting ready to dig in.

Here is Jake, hoping for a share of the bounty. Sorry, Jakie...nothing left. Next time.

Finally....Pat sneaked a picture of yours truly while I was trying to recover from my gastronomical indiscretions.