Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Computer Travails

Had a terrible time last night with the HP warranty people re: my computer. I recently bought an expensive new 18" laptop and one of the USB ports does not work. Over an hour on the phone with someone in India who had an accent thick enough to cut, and only a basic understanding of English. Kept wanting me to do idiotic stuff so she could see if my computer really does have problems. All this had been settled with a Tech Rep day before yesterday. I was supposed to call back and get a box sent to me to ship the computer to HP in. My service # had all the information that they needed, but they wanted me to jump through their hoops all over again. After trying very hard to make myself understood for an hour, I finally told them I was wasting time trying to talk with them. They kept right on babbling nonsensical things to me. Finally, I yelled at them and hung the phone up. Marsha, who is very even tempered, told me she was proud of me...that I had been patient longer than she would have been. She really made me feel like perhaps I wasn't too wrong in finally losing my temper at them.

The person I had been trying to talk with called me back. I still couldn't make heads nor tails of what they were trying to say, so I asked Marsha to listen to them and try to interpret for me. They had decided that someone else had to call me from HP concerning my problem. We explained to them that I could not wait for a call because I had to go to the hospital to spend the night for some tests. The woman I was talking to said the hardware supervisor would call me back in 10 minutes. After 45 minutes, I left for the hospital. Late for my appt. The hardware supervisor still has not called.

Today, I called HP back, and got someone with a good grasp of English and got the problem resolved in just a few minutes.

I've bought quite a few HP computers in the past several years, and this is the first one I have ever had a problem with. I have recommended them to my friends and assisted them in getting HP computers themselves. Outsourcing the warranty work to places like India and the Phillipines, and using people that have a poor grasp of English leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I may return to my old way of buying the parts and building my own computers.

I'm told I will have the box to ship the computer to HP within a couple of days, and should have the computer back in 7-9 days after that. I'll keep you informed.

Now I am going to have to share a computer with Marsha, unless I go buy myself a cheap one to use. We'll see how that goes.