Monday, May 25, 2009


This is Thinnerware. Thinnerware was created by a friend of one of my daughters with the intention of helping us portly folks lose a bit of weight. I'm thinking of trying them, assuming I don't win the set being given away next week. Wish me luck. Click on the red Thinnerware button for more information.


  1. That is such a good idea!
    I worked for Jenny Craig a million years ago and the secert is they put all their food on small plates
    Fill up small plate and walaa you think your full!
    Now if someone could think of a way to keep me out of the Little Debbie boxes I would be doin good

  2. You and me both, Scrappy. I nibble all day.

  3. The other trick is to serve on orange dinnerware...another appetite supressant. My head is full of this garbage.
