Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fishing and Fulkers

This year, looking for something to do that wouldn’t be too strenuous for me, because of my pulmonary problems, I took up fishing. I am so glad I did!

Two or three days a week, sometimes even more, during Spring, Summer, and Fall, my fishing buddy and I headed out to one, sometimes more than one of the lakes or ponds in the area, depending on how they were biting. I haven’t caught anything too special, but I sure enjoy going and trying. I have caught several catfish and have learned how to skin and filet them. The large mouth bass in the picture is the biggest fish I have caught so far.

One day, in Pulmonary Rehab, I was talking about the different places we go to fish, and one of my fellow patients, Nancy Fulker, offered her and her husband’s property on one of the large lakes in the area for us to fish on. I was shocked that someone would offer something like that but Nancy and her husband John are genuinely nice people. They even told us how to find the key to their cabin. (Their word not mine, I could live quite happily in their “cabin”.) They said that they have had this cabin for years, since before they owned a home, and have added to it several times over the years as their family grew. It’s a lovely place.

John has been practicing law since 1953, and has been joined in his practice by his son and grandson. He has a wide variety of interests including chess, classical music, literature, swimming, canoeing, sailing, and particularly, waterfowling. He is an avid conservationist and has been active in Ducks Unlimited. He is a renowned local historian and author. He has written four books concerning celebrated criminal trials which were held in Miami County, Ohio, in one of which he served as defense counsel.

Their titles are:

Chicken Soup, Cheap Whiskey, and Bad Women;
The View from Above;
And True Deliverance Make; and
Shards & Pellets & Knives Oh My!

I highly recommend these books to anyone that enjoys a good read. They are available on Amazon.com, as well as in many book stores. The Fulkers made me a gift of these books and I don’t know when I have appreciated and enjoyed a gift more. John also wrote a history of the Miami County Common Pleas Court that is an outstanding example of research and writing.

Nancy is a well know authority on antiques and the history of Miami County. She collaborated on her husband’s books, as well as acting as proof reader and editor for his books and those of another local author, JoAnne Duke Gamblee. More on Mrs. Gamblee shortly. Nancy has also served on the board of directors of the Hayner Cultural Center in Troy, Ohio, as well as more than one term as its president.

More pictures of John and Nancy's cabin.

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