Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Interesting Lady

Joanne Duke Gamblee at a recent book signing

Monday, December 8, 2008

Recently I had the distinct pleasure of meeting a lovely lady, Joanne Duke Gamblee, who has written several quite interesting books concerning Miami County and the people living here. She is a very attractive, interesting, and down to earth lady.

Mrs. Gamblee is originally from Wellsville, New York, and obtained her degree in journalism at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. To our good fortune, she decided to remain in Ohio. She served as Director of Communications for the Troy City Schools for sixteen years. As a freelance writer, she sold many articles and stories to various newspapers and magazines, as well as writing four books.

I was introduced to her work by our mutual friend, Nancy V. Fulker, to whom at least one of her books is dedicated. Nancy loaned me a copy of Mrs. Gamblee’s latest book, The Dam Battle. The book was so interesting to me that I read it nearly nonstop until I finished it. After reading it, I went out and bought copies of all Mrs Gamblee’s books except one, Ahead of Their Time, which is out of print now. Nancy was kind enough to loan me her beautifully inscribed copy of the book. Mrs. Gamblee's books are:

Ahead of Their Time: Which is the story of a number of 19th century ladies from Miami County.

The Dam Battle: The story of the battle to implement a comprehensive flood prevention plan which began one year after the most disastrous flood in history

Ghosts,too: This book is a compilation of spooky accounts of supernatural encounters local people have had.

and Mary Jane Hayner:
This is the story of a lady who made many contributions of cultural and historical significance to the city of Troy, Ohio. With a cover of finely woven plum-colored silk fabric topped with gold stamping, a narrow orchid satin ribbon bookmark, and superior quality paper throughout, the presentation of the book is as elegant as the lady and the mansion it represents.

I highly recommend all these books to you.


  1. I'm reading about Operation Valkyrie and Hitler right now. (She takes after Pappy.) Let's write a book about AOL and working with dysfunctional chattahs.

  2. dysfunctional chattahs? Is there really such a thing? Surely not!
