Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Not a Messiah, Not a Saviour. Simply our new President.

Many people seem to think that our new president is either a Messiah or a Saviour.

I certainly hope they are not too disappointed when they find out he is neither.

I will be happy if he is able to accomplish a significant part of what he appears to have promised to do, and can get our economy to begin to get on the right track, and get us out of these futile wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Chief Justice may have his doubts...he stumbled over the oath when he was administering it to the new president.

Katie Couric said today that my wife's acquaintance, Joe Biden, was the president for a few minutes. Biden was sworn in as vice-president shortly before noon. President Bush's job ended, by law, at noon. President Obama was not sworn in until several minutes after noon. Seems to me that Biden may have been president for a few minutes. (Where is Alexander Haig when we need him)


  1. I'm in charge here!!!! I have one thing in common with Haig. We both loved working at a clean desk--no clutter. ~~Baby Dare

  2. My dear....A clean desk is the sign of a seriously malnourished mind. (Does mal-nourished have a hymen...uh...I mean hyphen in it?)
