Monday, June 1, 2009

First Time Out In The Boat This Year

We finally got out in the boat this year. Caught about 30 fish. Most of them are cleaned and in the freezer now. Mostly fairly small Crappie.

We went to a series of small intra-connected lakes close to our home.

When we get tired of fishing in one lake, we can go through one of the channels into another lake.

It was a pretty enjoyable day. I caught one pretty good sized one. I am going to post the picture, although I have studiously avoided posting many pictures of myself because I look so darned old and fat.


  1. Well, who could handsome gentleman be? Oh it's
    Matt the blogger having a great time it seems.
    Confession on my part I am deadly afraid of fish but love to eat em.

  2. Referring to me as both a gentleman and handsome shows how much I have you fooled. :)

    Thanks're too sweet.

  3. Hey Matt, I came over from Scrappy's place. She said I should call on you for a good time and boy, was she right. I just read some of your other posts and are a hoot!
    BTW, remind me to explain to you how to get yourself posed for a photo. Don't try to fight the camera and pick your best side, preferably front!
    I grew up fishing mainly on creeks and cow ponds with my grandparents who made sure I knew how to bait my own hook without squealing!
    Drop by and visit anytime.
    Debbie AKA Talking Trash

  4. Well, Debbie...aren't you sweet! Makes me wish I'd never left Texas.

    I really didn't start fishing until last year. Should have started much earlier.
